Is Massa Running?

Reader Rich writes to report that today's Corning Leader has a story titled "Massa Mum on Run for Congress." Given the content, I'd say "coy" is a better word than "mum":

“I may keep that decision to a small group and figure out the best way to move forward from there,” Massa said Wednesday. “A decision has been made, but I'm not ready to discuss it publicly.”

Massa says that, if he runs, he'll have the backing of the Democratic party and will need to raise twice the $1.5 million he raised in 2006. He also said that he promised the party that he'd make his decision by today.


Much as I would enjoy the drama of a rematch (this really WAS a terrific spectacle, the recent race), I still pick up feelers that Mr. Massa came across as too much of a 'sore loser' and therefore 'hot head' last Nov. The strategy in part would be clear, I would think: Do sophisticated computer analysis of those specific precincts--including in Randy's hometown county of Steuben--where voters, clearly hundreds of Republicans, obviously crossed over and voted for Spitzer or, moreso, Hilary Clinton. That suggests to me, along with analysis of the precincts he carried, of course, that each of these pockets contains residents who follow politics and the news, are open-minded enough to split their ticket, etc., etc. This could be the basis of the "Independent/Undecideds" so to speak. With dollars from the national party--of which I'm skeptical--these very select 'markets' could be tightly tightly pinpointed. Wouldbe intriguing to watch!

Of course Eric is running.

Coy? Of course. Anyone in the military can tell you to keep your powder dry until you need to launch.

A couple of us are already working on this coming election, and Eric will overcome any of these concerns with a much more powerful campaign.

Go Eric!


I still don't see where the "sore loser/hothead" meme is coming from (well, I see where it's coming from but I don't see how it's justified). In a close race, you want every vote counted-- anything less is a slap in the face to all voters. From what I saw, Massa was composed and passionate about that to the end.

Am I missing something?

I still don't see where the "sore loser/hothead" meme is coming from

I do -- from a Republican troll.

"A Republic troll"? Jezz...Mr.Tom T. Calm down. It's just an opinion. I have the greatest of respect for what your candidate did. A shift of something like 3500 voters--which might have happened had the national party put up the dollars to be able to fight back--and Mr. Massa would be in Washington today.