In Other Blogs

The Water Buffalo Press takes a closer look at union membership and "the average American". It turns out that a disproportionate percentage of unionized workers are in the public sector, and that the states with the lowest percentage of union membership are some of those with the highest rates of recent growth.

I agree with the Press' view that HR 800 "may benefit the membership rolls but I have trouble believing it will benefit our economy". That's why I think this issue isn't going to resonate with voters in the 29th, and shouldn't be emphasized by Democrats in the '08 campaign.

Over at Rochesterturning, pystew links to Eric Massa's explanation for referring to Randy Kuhl as "John Kuhl". The reason goes back to a snotty remark from Kuhl in the last campaign.

I don't think this little dig will win Massa any votes. Similarly, I don't that Kuhl's use of the term "Democrat Party" helps his cause. When Massa explains the "John Kuhl" remark, he gives the impression that he's so thin-skinned that he dwells on little slights. When Kuhl uses the term "Democrat Party", he shows that he's so enamored of the President that he even re-uses Bush's favorite locutions.

It's all part of the sideshow that so often becomes the main event in American politics. These kind of tactics just reinforce the cynical view that campaigns are no more than pissing matches full of name-calling and other playground bullshit. Voters deserve better.