Leader Stories

Reader Elmer sends three stories from today's Corning Leader. The front-page news [pdf] is the trial in Bath and Kuhl's subpoena. After the jump [pdf], Kuhl tones it down on the lockout:

We are in the process of trying to create a system where people don't have an unlimited ability to walk in and be disruptive [...] We had a study done to determine what our needs are and what could be done, considering the facility we have.

As for the protesters, Kuhl said "I understand there are hired political operatives behind the effort who do not live in the district and are trying to make a point."

The Leader also carries two stories [pdf] related to legislation in Congress. In one, Kuhl relates his experiences on his first conference committee assignment, which was on HR 2669, the College Cost Reduction Act. The other story is reprinted from the Messenger-Post. It's about S-CHIP and is based in part on Eric Massa's Wednesday press conference.

Update: Rochesterturning has posted another Leader item, an editorial by Randy Kuhl (image file).