Follow the Money, Not the Spin

Eliot Spitzer's on the hook for "structuring" -- moving money around to duck the $10,000 reportable cash transaction limit.  That's a serious federal crime.  Spin that ignores that fact and treats this as just a private sex scandal is missing the big picture.

There's also no evidence that Spitzer used campaign money or state money to support his habit, and since he's independently wealthy, it's unlikely that he did.  Spin that tries to make Spitzer campaign contributions look dirty is missing the big picture.

So, Spitzer should resign, because he's essentially admitted that he's guilty of a minor crime (prostitution), and it also appears that he's guilty of a more serious crime (structuring).


If Spitzer resigns, and Paterson at some point can't continue in office for any reason then Bruno becomes acting Governor. How interesting and ironic would that be?

Irony is battling Hubris for the top billing on this one, that's for sure.

If Spitzer resigns, and Paterson at some point can't continue in office for any reason then Bruno becomes acting Governor.

From one governor under investigation for seeing prostitutes to another under investigation for racketeering. I mean this in a totally nonpartisan way: how great would it be if Bruno then got indicted and forced out? Two governors forced out for legal reasons in just a few years.

Am I wrong to be amused by this possibility?

In the mess that's NY politics, it's better to laugh than to cry, so, no, you're not wrong.

You know what excites me: the next Governor is going to be a blind man. I find that highly inspirational, in all seriousness. I know his dad is a connected politician, but it's still an impressive example of someone overcoming adversity.

Also, when we have another stupid sex scandal to explain to the kids ("Daddy, what's a whoremonger?"), at least there's a positive side to discuss.

Also, when we have another stupid sex scandal to explain to the kids

I like what George Carlin says people should tell their kids "Jimmy, sometimes adults like to have something called fun. You remember, fun, right? It's what you used to have before we made you start going to soccer practice and piano lessons."

Exile said -

"From one governor under investigation for seeing prostitutes to another under investigation for racketeering. I mean this in a totally nonpartisan way: how great would it be if Bruno then got indicted and forced out? Two governors forced out for legal reasons in just a few years."

Who comes after Bruno - Ronald McDonald?

Suspicion of structuring is apparently what got him noticed, but is that what he is charged with? My understanding is that several $9000 deposits by a public servant gets the FBI interested, as it may relate to bribery. It seems that the Mann act would be the easiest one to nail him on, since they would have to prove his intent to evade the BSA (Bank Secrecy Act), but they already have him moving a hooker from NY to DC. Of course suspicion of structuring is hardly enough to ruin a prominent person, while the Mann Act is famous for just that.

But I could easily be missing something here.

The charges aren't public yet, but the charges for the prostitutes and pimps were racketeering and Mann-act type counts. I assume that, if an indictment were to come, it would be the kitchen sink.

I think the money laundering charges are more serious, especially since they might show that he was knowingly trying to duck the law.

But hopefully this will be moot -- he'll strike a bargain where he gets all charges dropped in return for resigning.