Messenger-Post: Massa / Star-Gazette: Kuhl

The Messenger-Post endorses Massa [pdf] mainly because of his more detailed positions on the issues. (Update: Here's the link to an online version, thanks to reader Cathy.)

The Star-Gazette follows the Gannett line and chooses Kuhl because he brings home the pork and because Kuhl of his "street wisdom" and "He's so rooted in the district that he no longer keeps an apartment in Washington, choosing instead to bunk out on a bed in his office."


"The Star-Gazette follows the Gannett line" - don't really think there is a coordinated effort here.

You're right. I don't think they coordinate. Probably I'm a victim of Gannett Derangement Syndrome.

I know nothing about the industry and whether there's coordination. But the D&C and S-G endorsements sounded awfully similar.

I can't say what the reason is.

The MPN and Leader endorsements did not sound all that similar.

Maybe the S-G got a little lazy and copied some of the D&C information :)

Maybe the S-G got a little lazy and copied some of the D&C information :)

That's how it looks, frankly.

Who did "The Leader" endorse? I must have missed that....

WHOOPS------Sorry...right here it is. Thank you, Elmer and thank you, Fighting 29th! This is quite the eye-opener, this endorsement.....