Morning News: Town Hall Meetings and Money

The Corning Leader and Star-Gazette have reports on Eric Massa's first town hall meeting, which was three hours long and involved 100 people.

The D&C reports that Massa is still raising money. I'm sure he'll be doing that for the next two years.


I saw Eric at the Wegmans in Corning about 8 o'clock this morning. He was buying good old fashioned newspapers. I was in the checkout line so I didn't get a chance to talk to him.

The neat thing is that I never ran into Randy Kuhl or even Amo Houghton around town when they were in congress. Eric seems to be just a regular guy like the rest of us.

In fairness to Amo, when he was CEO of Corning Inc. you would see him on Market Street (main business area) all the time.

I think that's one of the most impressive things about Eric, he is "a regular guy like the rest of us". He's not rich, worked real jobs all of his life and is now representing us in Congress. That's what our founding fathers wanted. the citizen patriot who left the store or farm or ship or factory or whatever for awhile and served the people back home. So many of our politicians forget that, politics becomes their profession and they start thinking of themselves as American royalty. I don't see that happening to Eric, he is a what ya see is what ya get kind of guy. Eric is very smart, very hard working, very dedicated, very driven, very feisty and a regular guy. I like that.

Erin Kelly forgot to mention that Massa now accepts money from corporate PACs like Harris Corporation, Time Warner and Genentech. It didn't take long for him to change his tune on that one. Not surprising but it certainly opens himself up to criticism in 2010.

That's interesting. I'm looking into it.