Massa Op-Ed on Healthcare

Reader Elmer sends today's Corning Leader opinion page [pdf], which features Eric Massa's op-ed stating his reasons for voting against the House healthcare reform bill.


Bravo, Mr. Massa. A well articulated and reasoned position not soaked in double-talk and euphemisms. I still wish he would have shown some spine and voted for the Stupak amendment. He could have done this while voting no on the bill. I guess he doesn't need the votes of those Americans still in the womb, so there is not point in protecting them, right?

I thought he DID vote for the Stupak amendment?

Republicans lead Democrats in generic congressional poll

UiP: Massa voted against the Stupak amendment. He campaigned as pro-choice, so that's no surprise.

Elmer: I won't be surprised to see a few seats go back to Democrats, but as we both know, it's a combination of the details of the district and the national environment.

If things get worse and health care doesn't fly maybe we'll see a repeat of 1994 and the aftermath of Hillary Care.

Maybe the 23rd District will still go to the Republicans!

Highly likely. I'd bet on it if I were you!

My point is that the Democrat candidate, with the Republican candidate's support, hasn't locked up the election against a conservative over a week later. And while I wouldn't bet on it, stranger things have happened.

The worm is turning:

Seriously, the absentees would have to break something like 80/20 for Hoffman for him to win. He's got no chance.

The worm is going to turn a few more times before next Fall - I don't know where it will end up. I'm not going to get excited by little blips in a nationwide preference poll, for either party.

It's interesting that Mr. Massa needed to vote against the Stupak ammendmant. I remember in August he was adamantly telling us at town halls that abortion was not in the health care bill.

You are conflating the correct answer Massa gave in August about the Hyde amendment, which prohibits spending federal funds to pay for abortions, with the Stupak amendment.

The Stupak amendment goes farther than the Hyde amendment. It says that people buying the public option with their own money can't buy a plan that pays for abortion. It also says that people getting government subsidy can't get a health plan that pays for abortions. Massa said at those meetings that he believes that the Hyde Amendment already covers that.

Massa is pro-choice, and campaigned on a pro-choice platform. There's no surprise here.