Kuhl Visits Southern Tier Editors

Reader Elmer sends the Elmira Star-Gazette coverage of Randy Kuhl's visit with its editorial board yesterday. Kuhl's take on the surge comes off as a bit more lukewarm in this round of questioning.

"I'm very skeptical of the surge. I know that sooner or later, we have to bring our men and women home," said Kuhl, R-Hammondsport.

"Don't we owe it a chance to be successful?" Kuhl asked of the surge.

"Is there a price? Yes, a price none of us wants to pay. But where do we end this assault on the free world? As far as the immediate issue, this report in September will tell us if this strategy is working."

In other news, Kuhl and Kirsten Gillibrand (NY-20) reportedly share the front cover of the Farm Bureau newspaper in tribute for their work on this year's farm bill.

Update: Elmer also sent the front page [pdf] of today's Corning Leader. Here's the jump [pdf]. That story all about upgrades to security at Kuhl's office in Bath.


I agree with Rotten - Massa has a very good chance to win in 2008, but only if his supporters don't get in the way. If nothing else, the protests will tend to get the Republican base excited (but doesn't seem to do much for the Democrat base). Those types of protests don't sit well with the average southern tier resident.

Don't knock the media. The stories were just that, not editorial pieces. The facts were reported and it is not a reporter's job to try and explain what people were really thinking, just what they really did. You can get after the media outlets next year when they endorse a candidate.

Elmer's comment is right on: If Massa's supporters don't get in the way! People down here are still basically conservative and quiet. The idea of five "outsiders" parading in front of the Kuhl office on tiny little Buell St. in 'downtown' Bath is annoying and really does turn in Randy's favor--quickly.