Election Day

Today is election day, and I would be remiss if I didn't invite all registered voters to head to the polls and pull the lever.  As you pull that lever, remember to send a silent prayer to whatever deity you worship, thanking him/her/them for letting you vote using 50-year-old reliable analog technology.

In other news, I did receive a get-out-the-vote (GOTV) call last night.  Judging from the caller-id, it was part of a Democracy for America (DFA) effort, not the Monroe County Democrats.  As I posted earlier, I also received two pieces of campaign literature from Democrats in my town, and I've also observed a fair number of yard signs as well as human sign wavers at busy intersections.  That's a decent GOTV effort for an off-year election.


I have never liked get out the vote operations. I would prefer people who are well versed on the issues and passionate for their candidates to vote, not people who are so disinterested that they have to be coaxed to the polls. I realize everyone has the right to vote, but if they can’t motivate themselves, let them stay home.

I do not mind people offering rides to others who cannot get to the polls, but in my mind that is a separate issue.

I don't have any issue with a call to remind people that tomorrow is election day, especially for an off-year municipal/county election.

But I agree that there are diminishing returns in coaxing the ignorant to vote.

Went to vote tonight in my little town of Campbell. There were 13 local races, all unopposed - 12 were Republicans - the lone unopposed Democrat was running for tax collector. Somehow that seems fitting.

Corning's Demo Mayor has gone down to defeat. Probably a victim of his own egotistical, unvarnished behavior.